Corporate Hotline Services
24/7 Corporate Hotline Services for Your Business, Government Agency, or Nonprofit
Hotline Service Provider
Corporate Hotline Service From a Trusted Provider
AnswerNet is a hotline service provider who offers corporate hotline services for any purpose from employee relations and SOX compliant whistleblower hotlines to disaster communications.

Multilingual Support
We pride ourselves on ensuring every customer feels right at home. We employ agents who speak fluently in Spanish, French, and more.

Scalable Offerings
No business is the same. We offer specialty services scaled to all businesses, from small start-ups to established enterprises.

Seamless Integration
Our technology supports API integrations for smooth connection and interaction with your systems, platforms, and applications.
Hotlines from a Trusted Hotline Provider
As a third-party provider of corporate hotline services, AnswerNet is trusted by corporations, government institutions, nonprofits and social service agencies to report information accurately and responsibly. Individuals can speak anonymously and confidentially to our live agents, who are sensitive to callers’ needs.
As hotline service providers, our staff obtains the right information and accurately and thoroughly documents that information based on the protocols you provide. They will promptly escalate calls to the right people inside your organization.
Employee Relations Hotlines
Your employees have a wide range of information needs. Let AnswerNet set up and staff an employee hotline, enabling you to quickly and appropriately respond.
Your staff can trust that their information will remain confidential with AnswerNet, an unbiased third party, to take the calls. Their remarks are captured verbatim by trained agents who will ask for correct spellings of unusual terms and will read the callers’ comments back to them at the conclusion of calls to ensure accuracy.
Our scripted hotline agent solution delivers professional, accurate, consistent and cost-effective call experiences while maintaining complete caller anonymity and organizational privacy.
AnswerNet’s scripting process routes call reports immediately, automatically and intelligently at the conclusion of calls to the appropriate person(s) within your organization. Call reports can also be made available via the internet through password-protected web access.
AnswerNet has experience with:
- Sarbanes Oxley (SOX) Compliance
- Whistleblower Hotlines
- HIPAA Compliance
- Fraud Hotlines
- Data Exposure / Identity Theft
- Ethics Hotlines
- Vandalism / Unauthorized Personnel
- Call-In/Out, Including Sick, Personal Days and Appointments
- Accidents / Unsafe Work Practices/Safety Risks
- Environmental Damage
- Job Openings / Screenings / Exit Interviews
- General Employee Concerns
- Equipment Malfunctions / Computer Hardware & Software Support
- Disaster Response (Use during storms, pandemics, floods, etc.)
- Town Meetings / Corporate Events
- Hostile work environment
Crisis Hotlines
Our hotlines will directly connect you with the people your institution or organization needs to reach. Our agents are calm, empathetic and are trained to know how to respond appropriately and act accordingly when dealing with a caller in crisis.
We have experience with:
- Crisis/Suicide Prevention
- Abusive Behavior / Domestic Violence
- Suspicious Activity / Potential Terror Risk
Timely and Accurate Reporting
You need to know quickly and accurately exactly what callers are reporting. You also need to feel confident information is being documented exactly as it was spoken. Obtain that critical data in customized daily, weekly, or monthly reports, faxed or emailed directly to you.
Inbound Services
We have a wide array of options to suit any business need.